ホーム > Agile Leadership and Strategy ~Fast. Flexible. Decisive. Orchestrate a new game plan to respond to complex and unpredictable changes~

Agile Leadership and Strategy ~Fast. Flexible. Decisive. Orchestrate a new game plan to respond to complex and unpredictable changes~

期間  2日間 時間  9:30~17:30
価格(税込)  165,000円(税込) 主催  クインテグラル株式会社
形式  講義+演習 コースコード  AMC0204R


  • 14 PDU (Ways of Working)
日程 会場 空席状況 実施状況 選択

2025年5月22日(木) ~ 2025年5月23日(金)



2025年12月18日(木) ~ 2025年12月19日(金)



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※ トレノケート主催コース以外の空席状況は、残席数に関わらず「お申し込み後確認」と表示されます。
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This course is delivered in English.


Live online seminar is delivered using Zoom.


Vice presidents, executive directors, directors, senior managers, division managers and others with strategic leadership roles. Table groups are encouraged and welcome.
□TOEIC Score 650 or Higher


In a shifting business environment, it’s the agile and resilient organizations that have a much better chance to survive—and even to thrive. With future orientation and entrepreneurial focus, this course gives you the roadmap to seize new opportunities and bounce back even stronger from unforeseen changes.

Let’s build agility and resilience into your leadership repertoire and your organization’s DNA. Add the ability to shift mindset and inspire behavior change. Plus, the strategies to create more flexible structures and processes that grow your organization’s capability and performance.
● Examine the practices of the most agile and resilient organizations
● Anticipate trends and patterns and take decisive action
● Get your organization ready to navigate turbulent times and disruptive change
● Develop a capacity for foresight—anticipating change
● Get tools for exploring market opportunities
● Build a plan and practice techniques to gain buy-in for changes
● Lead and motivate others toward agile and resilient mindset and behavior
● Transform agility and resilience in your organization
● Further develop your personal agility and resilience
1. Learning Objectives
  - Examine the Practices of the Most Agile and Resilient Organizations
  - Develop a Capacity for Foresight—Anticipating Change
  - Obtain Tools for Exploring Market Opportunities
  - Build a Plan and Agreement for Change
  - Lead and Motivate Others Toward Agile and Resilient Mindset and Behavior
  - Further Develop Your Personal Agility and Resilience

2. Introduction
  - Identify Agility and Resilience
  - Explore the Characteristics of Agile and Resilient Organizations
  - Identify Characteristics You Would Like to Develop

3. Agile, Resilient Organizations
  - Identify Characteristics of Agile, Resilient Organizations
  - Understand How Some Large Organizations Manage to Be Agile
  - Understand Agility as a Way to Be Resilient
  - Assess Your Organizational Agility

4. What Agile, Resilient Organizations Do
  - Scan the Environment
  - Experiment Small-Scale
  - Adapt the Organization
  - Learn and Grow

5. Agility Practice
  - Practice Change Leadership to Help an Organization Become More Agile
  - Experience Disruption

※ Course outline is partly subject to change without prior notice.


キャンセル:コース開始日の16日前 日程変更/受講者変更:コース開始日の3営業日前
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