ホーム > Psychological Safety: An Imperative for High Performing Teams

Psychological Safety: An Imperative for High Performing Teams

期間  2日間 時間  9:30~17:30
価格(税込) 1社様向け 主催  クインテグラル株式会社
形式  講義+演習 コースコード  AMC0208R


  • 14 PDU (Power Skills)


This course is delivered in English.


This program is for In-house delivery or contents. Please contact us for details.


・Team Leads
・HR professionals
・Decision makers
・Other stakeholders across job functions who need to create an open and accepting culture for greater success
□TOEIC Score 650 or Higher


Some of business’s greatest innovations originated from people willing to think out of the box and take a gamble on an “unlikely” idea. Unfortunately, most of us find it a challenge to be open, think creatively, and take risks for fear of being criticized, judged, or even laughed at. That’s why psychological safety is a far more powerful tool than its name might suggest.

This course will help you become familiar with the elements of psychological safety and how they relate to trust, high-performing teams and innovation. You’ll also learn how to apply psychological safety in your organization through a special capstone exercise.
● Learn what comprises psychological safety, as well as the business imperative for it
● Recognize the high-level science and research behind psychological safety
● Enhance your understanding of healthy conflict and its value in fostering psychological safety
● Experience how to build connection rapidly and with ease among team members
● Gain more skill in utilizing courageous conversations
● Recognize the mindsets and behaviors that impact psychological safety
● Review case studies of organizations with high and low levels of psychological safety
● Develop greater confidence creating environments that foster increased trust, belonging, and risk-taking, leading to higher levels of innovation, satisfaction, and performance
● Practice using interpersonal skills to develop a climate of high psychological safety
● Take ownership of supporting a culture of psychological safety
1. Defining psychological safety and discussing its benefits

2. Exploring the impact when psychological safety is not part of your team and organizational culture

3. Learning how remote and flexible work influence psychological safety

4. Discussing the people and business imperative for psychological safety

5. Exploring strategies to effectively engage all voices and manage diverse perspectives

6. Creating emotionally and socially intelligent practices to foster psychological safety

7. Identifying the behaviors that make us feel more psychologically secure

8. Influencing power structure drivers to develop a workplace of psychological safety

9. Exploring 3 crucial concepts in relation to psychological safety: trust, risk and vulnerability

10. Developing strategies for effective feedback delivery and healthy conflict management

11. Providing feedback to positively reinforce behaviors and celebrate success

12. Creating psychological safety in a virtual environment

13. Capstone Activity: Taking ownership of helping to develop a culture of psychological safety

※ Course outline is partly subject to change without prior notice.


キャンセル:コース開始日の16日前 日程変更/受講者変更:コース開始日の3営業日前
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